A Romania without orphans...is possible
We believe that every child deserves a family.
We are working to see that dream become a reality.
Is a Romania without orphans possible?
In 2014, together with a group of like minded believers, Nathan (CoMission for Children at Risk) helped to start a Christian adoption care movement in Romania called of Romania Without Orphans.
The movement began to take small steps to raise awareness, promote adoption as the best solution for abandoned children, train adoptive and foster families, and work with members of parliament to create better adoption laws.
By the end of 2021, shortly after our team helped to change one of two adoption laws, Romania hit a twenty year record number of adoptions!
Yes, it is possible!
What is Romania Without Orphans?
Romania Without Orphans is a movement of believers united by the common goal of helping orphans find loving families where they come to know God as Father and go on to live healty, productive lives.
We seek to activate, mobilize, and equip families, churches and organizations in Romania to care for orphans.
We train adoptive and foster parents in trauma competent care. *Healing comes to children who have experienced trauma and grief through loving families who are trained and supported.
We work locally with Child Protection Offices to help train adoptive parents and child care workers and to promote adoption.
We work with members of parliament to improve laws that govern child protection.
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A father to the fatherless
God’s call to ministry came through the Psalm 68:5: “A father to the fatherless...is God….” This verse reveals God’s character with a clear description of what He is like. Those words shaped Nathan's vision for ministry to orphans.
Nathan lived out this call as a father to the fatherless through mentoring eight children who were placed in institutions. Those children are now adults and Nathan remains committed to maintaining a relationship with them.
Part of a movement in Romania
We believe that orphans should be helped in the context of deep, loving, and redemptive relationships.
In order to care for 46,000 orphans in Romania, we believe that a movement is needed to encourage and empower Romanians to care for orphans.
In 2013, we connected with like-minded leaders in Romania and we were part of the founding team of Romania Without Orphans.