"A father to the fatherless...is God." (Psalm 68:5)

Ways we are making an impact
Raising awareness
In Romania, many people don't realize that there are still thousands of children who need families.
Engaging churches and believers
James 1:27 calls the church to respond and we are challenging churches and believers to get involved.
Training and support for those who care for orphans
Families need to be prepared and supported in helping children heal from trauma and grief.
Advocating for better laws and procedures
The Romania Without Orphans team has been advocating for an improved adoption law for years.
Thanks be to God for his favor!
Your courageous generosity can make a difference!
1) Pray and join our monthly 24-hour prayer chain. https://www.romaniafaraorfani.ro/prayer-chain/
2) Donate below and help children to find families.
3) Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RomaniaWithoutOrphans/
Thank you for your prayerful consideration!